Harm Reduction
As many of our friends use substances, we provide an outreach service that allows them access to safe consumption products, such as sterile needles and pipes. We also provide empty sharps bins and collect full ones.
There is also an existing MOU in place with Chatham-Kent Public Health and we are a major distributor of naloxone for our community.
We bring and deliver harm reduction on all of our outreach days, but also will provide access on any other day that it is requested.
Our goal is to promote the foundational idea that people who use substances do not forfeit their human rights and that they are still entitled to:
The Right To Life
Equitable Standards Of Health Care
Social Services
The Freedom From Degraded Treatment
Harm reduction also has meaning to us in that our care is always provided in a trauma-informed approach, and with a person-centred attitude. There are strong bodies of evidence that show that harm reduction is proven to be cost-effective, practical and have a strong impact on individual and community health.